Basketball Drill Selection

Which Basketball Drills to Select?

We know the answer to this! We have too much information coming at us via social media and google. All you have to do is punch in basketball drills, and it will show 681 million results.

When in reality, all you need are a few.

The goal of every coach should constantly be assessing your team, program, and individual players. This way, you can keep an eye on what’s needed to continue growth and improvement.

How many players have you seen play basketball and never get to the left side of the court by dribbling simply because they can’t dribble with their left? I see it all the time! That, right there, is an evaluation of the utmost priority. You can’t run a decent offense if you have players that can’t dribble with their weak hands.

What if you want to press, but you notice your players are not very quick laterally or are poor at cutting off angles? The second evaluation point tells you what kinds of drills you need to select.

Coaching is about understanding the strength and limitations of your players, team, and program. The selection of exercises/drills needs to attack the very things you want to improve upon and do well. You can’t press with slow-moving, slow-reacting, poor readers of angles and poor hustlers. So you either pick a different defense or build a culture of training the press.

Drill selection is one of the most misunderstood areas with coaches, yet it should be Basketball 101 principles.

Choose the exercises that will help you improve in areas you need to improve as a team, program, and player.

The next important part of drill selection is regressing or progressing the drill to increase learning. Also, if the drill you select offers context to the game, it dramatically increases the learning curve because the player now has a powerful WHY.

Drill selection is crucial. How you communicate the drill and skills is just as important. Be sure to become a Certified Basketball Speed Specialist Level 1 and become a master communicator to your players. 

Categories: art of coaching, basketball conditioning, basketball movement, basketball speed