Words to Describe Basketball Footwork

There are not too many subjects I like to talk about more than speed. And if you were to add BASKETBALL SPEED to the conversation, you probably couldn’t get me to shut up! Basketball and Speed are my passion, and when the two are combined – WATCH OUT!

When it comes to basketball speed, one specific area of importance is communicating with your players on the footwork you want them to use based on the task at hand.

For instance….

What would YOU tell a post player who is being pressured in the back by the defender?

My answer would be to use a baseline spin, detach from the defender, and beat any weakside help to the rim. Or, what if YOUR point guard is consistently trapped while dribbling?

I tell my point guard to use a pullback dribble to create space. In both cases, the advice given is to help the offensive player know what to do by describing the footwork needed to make a play. Defense players need clear communication as well.

In my NEW Certified Basketball Speed Specialist Level 1 Course, I directly connect the footwork actions defenders need to use with the words that describe the action.

This strategy is so crucial for the success of the players. If you are not using it, the results will be a gap in the communication process.

Other questions to think about….If you want your wings to deny the first pass, what would you tell them?


“On the line, up the line”?

Crowd your opponent’s space and be a half arm’s length away?

Any or all the above?

All those are good, but what does the footwork look like? Or, how would the players move their feet?

In my new CBSS Level 1 Course, I describe precisely the footwork needed to defend in various situations on the court. The descriptive words make it very clear to the players how they should be moving their feet.

Practice, skill sessions, or performance training is ideal for drilling these footwork patterns while giving context as to WHY that footwork works for that defensive task.

We can do better, Coach!

We must raise the bar on our expectations of our players and ourselves. We must be better teachers of the game. Footwork is a massive part of the game, and we have to communicate better it with our players.

Trust me! It works like a charm when you...

  • Describe it.
  • Demonstrate it.
  • Give it context. 
  • And, Practice it!

Don’t be left out on an amazing opportunity to be one of the best footwork coaches in the game of basketball. The course applies to players of all levels. Learn the language to make footwork great!

Sign up now for the Basketball Speed Specialist Level 1 Course and become an expert.

Categories: : art of coaching, basketball footwork, basketball speed, cuting skills